Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Defending your house against H5N1

The latest strain of the avian flu continues to march across the globe, with a confirmed occurence in the UK, according to these reports from MSNBC and BBC.


More and more of us are able to remember its technical "H5N1" name as the media exposure increases. If it rivals the 1918 "Spanish" flu pandemic as many are warning, we are in for an experience that most on the planet have never known. We can barely imagine what it could be like, and probably mostly don't want to think about it -- running late for work, can't miss the favorite TV show.

A Sept 2005 item on ABC's PrimeTime


indicated that the US probably had around 2 million treatments of the only known drug thought to be effective after infection (Tamiflu), out of a planned 20 million treatments thought to be needed for this kind of outbreak. With no vaccine available for this strain, this drug, and any efforts to limit exposure, are seen as the only weapons we have to deal with this. No need to argue about the competency of the planning, greed of suppliers, etc. If these numbers are accurate, and the pandemic risk has been portrayed accurately, we have a big, fat exposure ... of biblical proportions, as they say.

If you don't feel like waiting to see if US authorities are successful in getting access to Tamiflu in competition with the EU, Australia, Japan, OPEC nations, and anyone else with the funds, start doing your homework on what this could be like for you and your family. Find the best immune-boosting strategies you can get, and start using them now. Optimizing your body's own defenses might be your best hope against a million-death event like this.

For more background on the flu, see:


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