Thursday, October 27, 2005

Are outside the box food solutions safe?

I was cruising through some of the article links at The Endowment for Medical Research ( and came across this item about a food-related element of China's successful manned space flight earlier this month. An excerpt from the article: "'The experiment results show vitamin content of vegetables grown from space seeds is 281.5 per cent of that of ordinary vegetables,' the state media said, with customary precision."

Not a new idea, as you can find numerous articles from a variety of sources on that subject, such as these from 2003 and 1995, respectively.

Great to think about energy going into how to produce more quantity, better quality, etc. where food is concerned. But how can we tell the penicillin-level discovery from the wish-we-hadn't-done-that invention. Especially with our track record for more of the latter than the former. Ask the Romans about lead plumbing, or our age about DDT, and the 75,000+ synthetic chemicals loose in our environment since the early 20th century*. Which is why there are a few questions like this one regarding space-radiated seeds:

When we have a choice on food, may we use it wisely. It makes a difference now, as well as later.


(* as quoted from 2001 Bill Moyers PBS report in "How To Survive On A Toxic Planet" 2nd edition, Dr. Steve Nugent, pg.17)

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