Friday, October 21, 2005

The beginning ...

"The end of a matter is better than its beginning" according to the writer of Ecclesiastes.

You ever meet anyone that lives like that is true? Maybe our circumstances have too much to dread to get continuously excited about how they'll end. But I'm sure there are many in the southern coastal regions of the U.S. who are glad the 2005 hurricane season is coming to an end, even if their recovery challenges continue. Wowee.

Being just tired enough of how we're all robbed of what we should be getting in the way of health and quality of life, I was thankful to hear new stories last month of other 'ends of matters' that were dramatically better than the beginning. Of child and parent told to accept and cope with a toxic reaction to a vaccine, apparently permanent. Of a nutrition change that got natural defense and repair systems back in the game. And a restoration of quality of life than no one had told them they could expect.

Here's hoping that we all get tired enough of the health status quo that we take back individual responsibility, and press to get back what's been stolen. Are you happy with your state of health? I'm ready to find out what we've had coming to us all along. We were designed for better than this.