Sunday, September 07, 2008

Outliving your drug regimen

In the 'wake up, or watch out' department, a recent article posted on the MSN Health & Fitness site, "8 Drugs Doctors Would Never Take" targets a provocative list of pharmaceuticals that the MD's interviewed said were worthy of caution.

Their question to these physicians? "Which drugs would you skip?" Here's what they said:
  1. Advair
  2. Avandia
  3. Celebrex
  4. Ketek
  5. Nexium
  6. Prilosec
  7. Visine (original)
  8. Pseudoephedrine
The author's base recommendation for an individual using one of these formulations was to give it a second look with your health care provider for alternatives. The article does mention some other pharmaceutical options that might be topics for that second opinion conversation. And also alternative medicine options, such as investigating acupuncture as an alternative to Celebrex or long-term NSAID use.

Even if you are not a consumer of the drugs listed, here is yet another example of why the savvy individual takes the lead for their own health and well-being. Not for self-doctoring. But for keeping the primary responsibility for choices -- especially long-term ones -- squarely where the consequences are felt. On you and me!

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