Tuesday, November 01, 2005

To cherry or not to cherry

The US Food and Drug Administration web site documented the recent enforcement action listed below regarding apparent health claims being made for cherries and cherry-related products. Look for more of this in the U.S. as the FDA moves to enforce more of the provisions of the 1994 Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA), and require more rigor in the development, manufacturing, and sale of dietary supplements. As long as enforcement focuses on meeting standards and not eliminating our choices, this should be a welcome thing for all of us. We need supplements that are effective, contain what they say then contain, and have reliable information on their use and risks.

"The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued Warning Letters to 29 companies that manufacture, market, or distribute products made from cherries or other fruits. The Warning Letters told the firms to stop making unproven claims on the firms’ web sites and product labels that their fruit products treat or prevent disease."

From: http://www.fda.gov/bbs/topics/news/2005/new01246.html

For more information on DSHEA and the U. S. supplement industry's involvement in regulation policy, see the Council for Responsbile Nutrition (http://www.crnusa.org).

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