Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The Savvy Label Reader - Part 2

High Fructose Corn Syrup

Is a shift taking place?

Several months ago, I saw a Dole commercial for the first time that was marketing one of their "100% juice" beverages. The unique thing to me was the specific differentiation they were creating between their product and the myriad of others that are corn syrup-based. I can't recall seeing any general consumer information prior to that which attempted to create that kind of awareness, especially that mentioned corn syrup by name.

At our house, it has been a challenge to find products that do not have high-fructose corn syrup as an ingredient, at least in the mainstream grocery channel. But it's getting a little easier with time. We've found one bread product, one ketchup, one BBQ sauce, one ice cream brand, etc. that offer alternatives. When you add the new-found awareness of trans fats in food labeling and marketing, it makes one think there could be hope after all. Hope that the makeup of the typical North American diet could really shift, and reverse the shocking trends towards obesity and the health impact that comes from it.

Hope you do your part when you buy.

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